Outstanding individuals require spaces that are just like them.

Simply different.

The Signature Office


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FRANZ – modern office spaces in Munich

Between Stachus and Sendlinger Tor is an office and business property with a unique character. A symbiosis of old and new. Revitalization and new build. Made for you who follow your true vocation rather than a profession. For you who seek substance and value and an office to realize your ideas while enjoying life at the same time. FRANZ is now there for you. .


The location where the 1980s cult TV series “Monaco Franze” was shot is now the new hotspot in Munich.

FRANZ is an homage to a renowned Munich eccentric and a German TV and pop culture icon of the 1980s: “Monaco Franze – der ewige Stenz”. In the eponymous series shot by the Bayerische Rundfunk, the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation, the building on Sonnenstrasse, which since 1953 had been a residence and had housed commercial premises, attained nationwide fame.

Monaco Franze

Cult TV series of the 1980s

Lovingly staged with plenty of local flair, the ten episodes tell the story of the big-city adventures of CID inspector and later private detective Franz Münchinger, aka “Monaco Franze”, in Munich of the early 1980s. Much to his wife’s annoyance, Monaco Franze investigates crimes after work, too. Because however much he appreciates the wonders of marriage, the feminine appeal of the charming repeat offender is seductive.

Ten-part TV series by the Bayerische Rundfunk

Idea and script:
Helmut Dietl, Patrick Süskind, Franz Geiger

First broadcast on 2 March 1983 on German TV

FRANZ Original

Adding to existing value

Across its seven stories, FRANZ Original provides high-end office spaces, exclusive apartments, and supplementary public usages on the ground floor. The sensitive revitalization of the building preserves its character while lending it a contemporary appearance.


Creating new space

As a three-storey, purist new build with a greened glass façade, FRANZ Neo grows up out of the greened inner courtyard. Office spaces with a high-end fit-out and generous floor-to-ceiling windows create an inspiring setting for the minds driving tomorrow.